Book Review

Blue Graffiti by Calahan Skogman

Blue Graffiti by Calahan Skogman is a blend of nostalgia and longing, punctuated by the seemingly unremarkable moments that give meaning to life. The novel follows Cash, a young man tethered to his roots by love and loss, and inextricably connected to his hometown, Johnston, Wisconsin. When a mysterious stranger named Rose enters his life, Cash grapples with the familiar comforts of home and the intoxicating allure of something new. In this stunning debut, Skogman masterfully captures the beauty of the mundane, inviting readers to explore the depths of small-town life and the intricate emotions that bind us to the places we call home.

Book cover for Blue Graffiti by Calahan Skogman.

I prefer Johnston’s slanted houses and the honest families inside them who are mostly oblivious to what, I’m sure, is the larger but far less desirable, convoluted picture. Truth is, none of that big city, big money life had anything to do with the lives of the people here. They are universes apart.

Calahan Skogman, Blue Graffiti

Cash is a relatable and deeply empathetic protagonist; his introspective nature and love for his hometown make him endearing. His relationships with his friends, Prince and Leon, form the core of his world. They share a bond reminiscent of the found family trope seen in classics like The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. Their adventures—ordinary moments like rescuing an abandoned coffee table off someone’s lawn and lugging it home three miles with your friend—are imbued with a sense of significance, illustrating how even the simplest acts can become monumental in the context of deep, abiding friendships. These relationships are the backbone of the story, offering Cash a sense of belonging and purpose amidst his existential musings.

Rose, while central to the plot, remains somewhat enigmatic. She embodies the “manic pixie dream girl” archetype, captivating Cash but not fully fleshed out as a character. Her presence is sporadic, and while she catalyzes Cash’s internal transformation, her influence on the story is more symbolic than substantial. In contrast, Prince and Leon are fully realized, their camaraderie with Cash providing some of the novel’s most memorable moments.

I found nothing in broken cathedrals. There were no spirits in the ruins in which I waited, wishing and wanting for you to return.

Calahan Skogman, Blue Graffiti

The novel’s meditation on the nature of small-town life is both a love letter and a lament. Skogman captures the beauty and melancholy of a place where time seems to stand still. The quiet moments—like sitting by the lake, the hum of a bar, or the simple act of watching the stars—are imbued with a sense of timelessness and nostalgia.

At the heart of Blue Graffiti is an exploration of grief and the healing power of faith. Cash is a character marked by loss—his mother’s death, his father’s abandonment, and the fading vibrancy of his once-familiar world. These experiences weigh heavily on him, shaping his worldview and his interactions with others. Through Cash, Skogman delves into the complexities of mourning, portraying it not just as an emotional state but as a continual process of reckoning with the past. The novel suggests that faith—whether in oneself, in others, or in the unseen forces that guide us—can be a beacon of hope in the darkest of times.

I thought about our lives, and the graffiti of our town. We each left our mark. We are cracks in sidewalks, bent street signs, rusted gutters and train tracks. We are nails in wooden boards, handprints in cement. We are creaks in the doors of diners, stains from cigarettes. We are streaks of graffiti, blue as the sky.

Calahan Skogman, Blue Graffiti

In many ways, Blue Graffiti feels like a modern-day On the Road by Jack Kerouac, with the key difference being that the characters never really leave their small town. It’s a reflection on the idea that adventure and self-discovery don’t always require a physical journey. Sometimes, the most significant journeys are the internal ones—the ones where we confront our demons, embrace our flaws, and come to terms with our place in the world.

Skogman, best known for his role as Matthias Helvar in Netflix’s Shadow and Bone, regularly posts his poetry on social media. As such, fans will instantly recognize his background as a poet in the novel’s lyrical prose and rich symbolism. His keen insights into the human experience will resonate with anyone who has ever felt the pull of home, the weight of loss, and the desire for something more. Blue Graffiti illuminates the profound connections we share with the people and places that shape us. It reflects the beauty in our everyday lives and reminds us that even in the quietest corners of the world, there is a universe waiting to be discovered.

Thank you to NetGalley and Unnamed Press for sharing an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Book Review

Thick as Thieves by M. J. Kuhn

The high fantasy action in Thick as Thieves by M. J. Kuhn picks up right where Among Thieves left off, plunging readers back into the gritty world of heists, magic, and high-stakes deception. Ryia Cautella and her crew find themselves facing the dire consequences of their successful yet perilous heist from the first book, with a terrifyingly powerful tool now in the hands of the ruthless Callum Clem. As the group is scattered across Thamorr, alliances shift, betrayals loom, and the fate of the kingdoms hangs in the balance. It’s a thrilling sequel, where the characters we’ve grown to love are tested like never before.

Book cover for Thick as Thieves by M. J. Kuhn.

Oh, how much more peaceful the world would be if shite men would stop plotting shite things.

M. J. Kuhn, Thick as Thieves

Characterization is a standout aspect of Thick as Thieves. Kuhn deepens our understanding of each character, making them feel more real and multifaceted. The familiarity we have with them from the first book allows for a deeper emotional investment in their individual journeys and collective struggles. The dynamics within the crew, characterized by conflicting priorities and shifting allegiances, create a tension that propels the narrative forward and keeps readers on the edge of their seats.

While the plot is engaging and full of twists, there are some shortcomings in its execution. The narrative, while gripping, occasionally feels overstuffed with subplots and character arcs, leading to moments where the pacing lags. Additionally, certain plot developments may feel predictable to readers familiar with the genre, detracting from the element of surprise that is crucial to a story of this nature.

Despite these shortcomings, Thick as Thieves shines in its strengths. The world-building remains rich and immersive, with Kuhn expanding the scope of Thamorr to include new locations and cultures. The heightened stakes and escalating conflicts keep the tension high throughout, ensuring that readers remain invested in the outcome until the very end. Moreover, the introduction of new characters injects fresh energy into the narrative, adding depth and complexity to an already vibrant ensemble cast.

For all these years, she had known friendship to be out of reach—she had never even dared to think about anything more. Love was nothing but a set of dormant coals sputtering to death in the pit of her belly.

M. J. Kuhn, Thick as Thieves

Overall, Thick as Thieves is a satisfying conclusion of the duology, delivering on the promises of its predecessor while setting the stage for possible future adventures. Fans of Leigh Bardugo’s Six of Crows series will find much to love here, from the intricate world-building to the morally ambiguous characters and pulse-pounding heists. While it may have its flaws, the sheer entertainment value and emotional resonance of Thick as Thieves make it a worthy addition to any fantasy lover’s bookshelf.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery Books/Saga Press for sharing an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Book Review

Gutter Mage by J.S. Kelley

Gutter Mage by J.S. Kelley is a captivating urban fantasy set in a world run completely on magic…but at what cost? It’s a question worth considering, but not one for outlaw mage Rosalind “Roz” Featherstone, whose only concern is the next job that can line her pockets with coin, fill her cup with drink, or lure someone willing and eager to her bed. So when Lord Edmund’s infant son is abducted, and Roz is tasked with looking into the matter in exchange for the biggest payout of her life, she jumps at the opportunity. But as she works to solve the case, Roz uncovers a dark plot that could change her society—and magic—forever.

Book cover for Gutter Mage by J. S. Kelley.

At the risk of sounding conceited, I’d never met anyone better at solving magic-related crimes than me. It was the second biggest reason so many mages in Drusiel hated me. The biggest reason, of course, was because I’m an asshole.

J.S. Kelley, Gutter Mage

Roz is a dynamic main character with a few different levels to her, which makes her both relatable and exciting. She karate chops conventional gender norms in the face, actually karate chops baddies in the face, and has absolutely no filter—resulting in some of the funniest and crudest lines I’ve ever read. She proves several times over that you’d want her around when things get rough, but in spite of that, she’s a bit of a loner and doesn’t form many personal relationships outside the one with her partner and friend, Lysander. Roz has been outcast from her magical community as a result of a traumatic incident from her past, where a former mentor assaulted her, and then tried to use her to access a new form of magic. She struggles throughout the novel to process the lingering effects of that event since her mentor ended up dying, and Roz was the one who acquired the new magic. She essentially relives her trauma every time she uses it, and it becomes an interesting study of owning her trauma versus quite literally being controlled by it.

This is a character-driven book, and the plot moves forward with the introduction and interaction of new characters—a little like a video game. Secondary characters reveal information, help Roz and Lysander with details, or pose as obstacles they must overcome. Their NPC-like nature made Gutter Mage feel oddly interactive, like the reader is along for the ride as Roz and Lysander work on their case.

What I didn’t love so much was the main villain. His world-ending, apocalypse-producing actions were based merely on a hunch! It was a plot 15 years in the making, and in the end, it only takes one person to foil the entire convoluted thing. His motives are never really clear, and his actions simply don’t make sense. For all his monologuing, I thought the big bad villain arc would have more meat on its bones, and I thought it’d be a little bit harder to take him down!

So what if it was originally meant as an insult? Take it from them and make it your own. Show all those snobby mage assholes what us girls from the gutter can do.

J.S. Kelley, Gutter Mage

By the end of the story, many questions are still left unanswered: An especially prominent character simply vanishes without any explanation or concern, we never get a firm answer on Roz and the identity crisis she suffers about halfway through the book following a rather startling revelation, and we have no indication if there will be any lasting consequences resulting from the villain’s actions. In spite of the main arc involving Lord Edmund and his missing baby being resolved in this book, I felt the novel was missing a satisfying resolution and left entirely too many loose ends.

Overall, Gutter Mage is a quick and easy read, and I firmly believe that’s largely because Roz is so engaging. Kelley provides an intriguing introduction to a fascinating new world and characters, and I could picture future books really expanding Roz’s story—particularly the lore involving magical spirits. While there’s no news of a sequel on the horizon, don’t let that stop you from diving into this fantasy romp. It’s a great choice for those seeking something adventurous and fun with a dash of the unconventional.

Thank you to NetGalley and Gallery / Saga Press for sharing an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Book Review

The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores

The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores is a young adult, queer Rapunzel retelling set in a fantasy world where witches and vampires coexist. The novel follows Ava and Kaye, who used to be best friends until the fateful night when Kaye’s mother was murdered and Ava was turned into a vampire against her will. Struggling to overcome their own personal traumas, their relationship is tested when they must put aside their differences to confront a looming threat against their community. With its blend of romance, adventure, and suspense, this novel delves into a supernatural realm of magic made thorny by the prickly complexities of family loyalties.

Book cover for The Witch and the Vampire by Francesca Flores.

I can’t accept it as coincidence that Ava disappeared that same day, and I saw her with blood on her chin a few days later.

Francesca Flores, The Witch and the Vampire

While the premise is compelling, the pacing and worldbuilding is where this novel falls short. The story feels rushed and formulaic at times, with pivotal events unfolding too quickly, and plot twists being entirely too predictable. The combining of vampire and witch lore was initially intriguing, but I was constantly confused as to why only Ava was a vampire who retained her witch powers. Her mother keeps it a secret to use for her own benefit, but it’s never quite clear if Ava’s an anomaly, or if it’s common knowledge that she would have retained her powers due to how she was turned into a vampire.

I often found myself craving more details, especially when it came to why vampires and witches hate each other. I was looking for nuanced conversations or metaphors about the racial and species prejudices in this world, but all I got was a “fantasy” where those prejudices just get to exist without question. For instance, Kaye, who was told her mother was murdered by a vampire but has no other evidence to prove it, sees her best friend Ava in a tower with blood on her face a few days later and somehow decides Ava did it. She…allegedly murdered her best friend’s mother and just didn’t wash her face for days. And that’s all it takes to rewire Kaye’s entire personality. Uh…what? Make it make sense!

And speaking of Ava’s mother — the woman murders her own daughter and turns her into a vampire against her will, keeps her imprisoned, siphons off her power, and emotionally manipulates her. All that sounds incredibly traumatizing, especially since Ava makes the brave decision to run away and rescue herself from this life; however, Flores’ treatment of this storyline is flippant. It’s simply a passing detail, and is yet another aspect of the novel that I really would have liked to see fleshed out. What was her mother’s motive? Were there no warning signs for the first sixteen years of Ava’s life?

Had she stared at the same moon those long nights and wished to be with me too?

Francesca Flores, The Witch and the Vampire

On a positive note, I enjoyed Flores’ accessible writing, and particularly the beautiful prose as Ava and Kaye pine for one another. Whether it be for their lost friendship or their budding romance, it’s easy for readers to relate to the yearning and inner turmoil each girl experiences. Flores excels at illustrating this sapphic romance, and I especially enjoyed the parts in the first half of the book when the girls travel through the forest and skirt around each other after two years apart. However, I constantly had trouble telling Ava and Kaye apart! Maybe it’s just me, but I felt their personalities and voices often blended together, and the girls lacked the depth needed to truly resonate as fully developed characters.

The Witch and the Vampire is a one-dimensional, predictable sapphic romance, and the worldbuilding and pacing leaves much to be desired. I really wanted to love this book, but it was a letdown in almost every way. So much potential was left on the table, and the Rapunzel foundation of this retelling is almost an afterthought! (Honestly, it seems more like a Tangled retelling, though just barely.) A standalone novel simply doesn’t have the room Flores required to successfully weave the rich tapestry of the world she created. The potential for something truly immersive and captivating is there, but the execution simply is not.

Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for sharing an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Book Review

Keya Das’s Second Act by Sopan Deb

Keya Das’s Second Act by Sopan Deb is a poignant novel about grief and forgiveness that follows a Bengali American family reeling from the sudden loss of their daughter and sister, titular character Keya Das. Each member of the family regrets not being more supportive when Keya came out, and now it’s too late to do anything about it…or is it? The novel picks up when Shantanu, Keya’s father, discovers a box containing a play Keya was writing with her girlfriend. It briefly brings Keya back to life for them, so her family embarks on a mission to stage the play to honor her memory and make amends.

Book cover for Keya Das's Second Act by Sopan Deb.

Rejection is often a much more powerful emotion than acceptance.

Sopan Deb, Keya Das’s Second Act

With loss of a child and implied homophobia at the forefront of this novel, this is an emotional read. Grief impacts different people in different ways, and that makes Deb’s cast of characters even more important as they are vehicles through which readers can experience the central themes in this story. Following Keya’s death, Shantanu isolates himself from his family, his wife Chaitali tries to move forward with her own life, and their eldest daughter Mitali tries to distance herself from her sorrow — all very relatable coping mechanisms. But because their journeys are so disparate, it’s a little challenging to keep up with the various side characters that help to bring the family back together. None of them are developed enough, which sometimes makes their heavy influence on our key characters a little difficult to understand. The ultimate message is to encourage leaning on community to help assuage and process the big feelings that occur during times of grief, but the poignancy of that takeaway sometimes gets lost in Deb’s delivery.

I particularly enjoyed the Bengali words interspersed throughout otherwise English language sentences. As a Bengali American who grew up in a bilingual household within a diaspora community, that is exactly how we speak! I’ve seen criticism about the lack of a glossary or sufficient context clues to decode the meaning of select Bengali phrases in other reviews for this novel; however, I like to view this creative choice as a postcolonial resistance to the residual effects of Orientalist policies that defined English as the medium of instruction and the language of knowledge itself. Deb’s language choice — his refusal to translate, sanitize, or suppress the story he wanted to elevate — empowers him to seize back control of how he defines himself in a postcolonial reality still very much influenced by the lingering aftereffects of imperialism.

But more than anything, they each blamed themselves. In their own ways, they had made Keya feel unseen.

Sopan Deb, Keya Das’s Second Act

The one thing I really struggled with in this novel was lack of LGBTQ+ representation. Yes, Keya is gay, but her identity felt like a plot device for characters who didn’t want to accept her sexuality when she was still alive. They took her manuscript, interpreted it for the stage as they saw fit, and essentially used it for their own devices. For lack of a better term, the allyship after the fact felt performative. I realize with a tragedy like this, catharsis just might be the best we can hope to achieve since it’s too late to apologize to Keya or treat her the way she deserved. Still, I expected to see more positive and normalized representation. Keya’s lack of voice in this aspect of the novel has me going back and forth with classifying this novel within the LGBTQ+ category.

For all the heavy themes that form the foundation of this novel, it is surprisingly heartwarming and hopeful. Keya Das’s Second Act begins with characters weighed down by grief, regret, and trauma, and Deb navigates them through a healing journey that leaves them in a better place. This novel reminds readers it isn’t too late for us to take the time to listen and carefully consider how our actions affect the people in our lives. And even if it is too late — like it was for Keya — her family demonstrates it’s never too late to learn and grow from mistakes.

Thank you to NetGalley and Simon & Schuster for sharing an advanced reader copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.